
I need a mulligan! A redo! Do over!

The last few days I have gone a bit off track. I haven’t been blogging or following my personal challenges as well as I would like to be. I can make many excuses why, but I am not going to…I am just pushing the RESET button and starting again right now with this post.

This week’s challenge is to get back on track!

Update on previous weekly challenges:

On 4/27, I stated I will work to check things off my To Do list.  I thought of everything that needed to be done and added it to my already long list and was horrified that it was 218 items long. Well, imagine my complete shock when the list started to grow the next day instead of shrink!  CRAZY!!!!

My list now stands at 222 items and my goal remains to check of 2 – 3 items per week until I get the list down to only 100 items.

On 4/20/15, I vowed to become more active. I met (and exceeded) my weekly goal of earning 2 Activity Point (Weight Watchers metric) every day. I actually earned between 3 and 7 points each day for a total of 38 APs in the past week. This week, my goal is to earn a minimum of 3 APs per day, every day.

On 4/15/15, I challenged myself to track (food journal) everything I ate. I have tracked every day since…even when I ate 55 points at a party and when I had a steak dinner with a couple of scoops of dessert!

On 4/13/15, I challenged myself to declutter one corner at a time. Two corners and 4 draws are complete.  Four other draws have been started. And, we opened our summer weekend rental and managed to find a place for everything, so I am making sure we start with no clutter there!

On 4/8/15, I challenged myself to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.  This week I only accomplished this 4 days, but the other 3 days I still drank approximately 6 glasses…so it is all still an improvement. I find the days I am in the car most are the most problematic. I am going to work harder at this!

PSA of the Day… Stick to your goals!

I Have TO DO What???

to do to to dones

I have lost control of my To Do list…or more to the point, it is now controlling me!  Help!

I use Toodledo to keep track of what needs to get done, but there are currently so many things on my list that I forgot to call my favorite (only) niece for her birthday! I felt like the most horrible aunt ever when I realized.

Part of my problem is that every time I check something off my list, I end up adding two new things.  Right now my list stands at 218 items. TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN! Yikes!

Many items are recurring and routine daily, weekly or monthly stuff such as get the mail, pay the bills, change the filters, etc. At this point in my life, if it doesn’t get written down, it doesn’t get done!

My goal is to get the list to 100 items in less than a year. I plan to do this by completing 2 – 3 items every single week.

What tools or tricks do you use to get your To Dos to become To Dones?

Update on previous weekly challenges:

On 4/20/15, I vowed to become more active. I met (and exceeded) my weekly goal of earning 1 Activity Point (Weight Watchers metric) every day. I actually earned between 2 and 6 points each day for a total of 25 APs in the past week. This week, my goal is to earn a minimum of 2 APs per day, every day.

On 4/15/15, I challenged myself to track (food journal) everything I ate. I have tracked every day since…even when I ate the 16 point Nutella Pizza and had a party where I ate 55 points!

On 4/13/15, I challenged myself to declutter one corner at a time. Two corners are complete. I moved out of the office and began organizing four bathroom draws that were in extreme desperate need.  I will report more on this tomorrow.

On 4/8/15, I challenged myself to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.  I have managed to accomplish this every day since then except for two. It seems days that I am spending more than 4 hours in a car create a challenge. On the days that I can’t drink 8 glasses I am still making sure to stay fully hydrated by drinking 5 – 6 glasses those days.

PSA of the Day… Make a list and check it twice!

What goals have you set for yourself?